The casio and kereoke machine are out, settle in for a couple of performances by a couple of seasoned performers. First up, Lizzie with an original number called "Cleaning up Is Dumb".
"Cleaning up is no fun
cleaning up is dull
I don't like to clean up at all
I don't like it, I don't like it, I don't like it at all."
(repeat several times)
That was Lizzie, killing me softly with her song at only five years of age. And next up, Winnie, with her original song "Seas, oh Seas and Other Things".
"Seas, oh seas
lovely fishes in them,
Lovely dashing sharks.
Seas, oh seas
what about starfish?
Seas, oh seas
are filled with lovely stuff.
Seas, oh seas
they are good to us.
Seas, oh seas
the love about them
Seas, oh seas
the animals,
Seas, oh seas, oh seas
Seas, we love em.
Seas, we see em.
Seas, oh seas
what's wrong with seas.
Oh, seas, oh seas, ooooh seas, oh seas..."
And an encore performance from Lizzie -- this one is called "The colors of the flowers"
"The colors of the flowers are so bright.
And some of them are dark too.
Some of them are black.
Some of them are green.
Some of them are really brown.
Some of them are red.
Some of them might be purple.
Some of them might be like a rainbow.
Some of them might be like a pink rose.
Some of them might be gold, red or blue or yellow, yellow, yellow.
I can't believe it.
I can't believe it.
I can't believe it.
I can't believe that they are so beautiful.
Some people hate it.
Some people love it.
Some people think it's so cool.
Some people think they are stupid.
Some people think they are very dumb.
Some people think they are very cute.
Some people think they are very cool.
Some people think they are a-okay.
Now, what everybody thinks, what everybody thinks,
what everybody thinks, what everybody thinks,
what everybody thinks of it --
Most people think flowers are pretty.
I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it.
The colors of the flowers are so pretty."
Labels: kids